We help companies rediscover their "why" and tell it in a powerful way so it sticks. The 'why' is our belief system. It’s the moral of our story. And people want to do business with like-minded people. This is how we start to build relationships with our customers. This, of course, is the cornerstone to trust, respect, loyalty, and ultimately, company growth.
I have been a storyteller my whole life. I was even a recording artist telling stories through music I have written. Some of which were even in the Billboard charts. (Just Google Search me.) Stories know no boundaries. Ads. Music. Video. Poems. Pictures. If you feel something in your heart, it’s because a story was told. Even with no words, your mind is a meaning-making machine and it will make up a story that fits with all the experiences it has at its disposal.
When you know how to tell a story just right, then you can emphasize what you want people to know and if they have the same belief system as you, voila, a friend (or investor/partner/employee/customer) is born.
We are a small band of storytellers who love to tell stories that inspire others to act. We come from an advertising background instead of a film background so we understand the concerns of clients and the need for films to not only inspire but to make people do something after they've watched them.
How is your company telling its powerful story? If you're stuck, we can help make it stick.